Data and replication files for ‹On the optimal design of place-based policies: A structural evaluation of EU regional transfers›
by Yashar Blouri and Maximilian v. Ehrlich
Below we document and distribute the data and code to estimate the parameters in the model and to compute the counterfactual scenarios. The parameter estimations are perfomed using Stata whereas all other analyses are perfomed using Matlab. This document provides a more detailed documentation: Documentation
- All data for the 2007-13 budgeting period considered in our counterfactual analyses are contained in: Data2013
- This file loads the data, sets parameter values, calculates trade costs (inlcuding the PPML-approach), checks trade costs, estimates beta coefficient: AA_PrepareData
- This file calibrates the iota vector (trade imbalances), recovers the location fundamentals, and generates the results for Figures 1+2 (results stored in xls/output.xlsx): AB_RecoverFundamentals
- This file computes marginal welfare effects and generates the results for Figure 3 (results stored in xls/output_mwe.xls): AD_Simulations_MWE
- The simulation experiments revealing the impact of the location fundamentals in explaining marginal welfare effects are computed in this file (Figures 5, B.4-B.6): AD_Simulations_MWE3
- These files calculate the optimal distribution of transfers using the Knitro solver. Table 2, Figures 3 and 4 are generated using the results stored in xls/output.xlsx: AE_GlobalSimulations_a , AE_GlobalSimulations_d, AE_GlobalSimulations_w
- This file creates the simulation tables of (i) observed distribution relative to the no-transfers scenario, (ii) equal distribution relative to no transfers scenario, (iii) calculates welfare effects using the outcomes of optimal distribution of transfers, (iv) calculates partial and general equilibrium effects in each case and generates results for Figures B.1,B.2: AF_SimulationsTable
- All functions needed for the computations are stored in this folder:
Before executing these files please generate the following folders in the main folder «output/graphs», «output/mat», «output/tex», «output/xls»
Please feel free to contact the authors if you have any questions or need further explanations.